For the Love of Pandora

If you haven’t heard of Pandora, it’s sad to be you.  The good news is now you do know about it, so you can do something about all you’ve been missing out on.  And no, let me made one thing perfectly clear, I’m not talking about the fake planet full of blue people in the overrated Avatar.  I’m talking about the magical music genie website Pandora, which will unlock the floodgates to your musical library.

If you’re like me, you need music on at all times.  I can’t be expected to drive to class or work and back without my iPod playing, just how I can’t be expected to study without some kind of background noise.  The best background noise I’ve been able to find is on Pandora — except when those annoying ads come on, of course.  When I need to study or get a paper done, I know the best background noise for me is instrumental music, so I go to the Explosions in the Sky Pandora station to get in the zone.  Who else came up on the station?  Similarly experimental instrumental bands Maserati and Bonobo, and, surprisingly, a piano piece by Hispanic Christian musician Fernando Ortega.

What I’m trying to say is, Pandora is probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.  It’s perfect for people like me who love to find new music but are too ADD to sit there and listen to new music thoughtfully, without instantly changing the song to something you already know and can sing along to.  This way, you can let the music grab you, and go about your exploration of the song or artist on your own time, when you don’t have a million other thoughts flying around in your head. Score!

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